
virtual reality News

All things VR gaming & beyond

Hear the latest and greatest updates from the Virtual Reality industry.

From info on the newest VR experiences on the market, to the coolest developments in technology, and sneak peeks behind the scenes at the most immersive VR arcades in London & Birmingham.

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© 2024 The Dream Corporation. OTHERWORLD® is a registered trademark of The Dream Corporation. The Dream Corporation accepts no liability for fully or partially blown minds as a result of excessive immersion. The Dream Corporation denies in the strongest terms the ridiculous claim that Sakura is a sentient being and any suggestion that she is not entirely under the careful stewardship and control of The Dream Corporation. The Dream Corporation accepts no liability for faulty monorail systems or related dismemberment, and carefully reminds the reader that it sure put Ogdenville on the map. Termsandconditionsmayapply.